Monday, September 26, 2016


Image result for social division
Photo#1: Threat caused by factions to the new nation. If Republicanism would be adopted, the problem would be controlled. 
  1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
Answer: Factions are so difficult to eliminate because people in a democracy or republic have liberty, so can and will form differences of opinion for any number of reasons (different backgrounds and education, different experiences, different financial situations, different jobs, different lifestyles etc).  People with similar opinions will find each other and form factions.

2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

Answer: The harm caused by destroying liberty is worse than the harm caused by factions.  A pure democracy (a society consisting of a small number of people who administer the government via the assembly of all people) cannot control the harm caused by factions.  A republic (a government where a small number of people are elected to represent the rest and to work for the good of the whole) can control the harm caused by factions.  A group of representatives chosen for their wisdom and love of justice and their country, will be least likely to to swayed by temporary issues or ‘fads’, or partial truths.
Image result for american factions of government
Photo#2: American political factions

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