Sunday, September 18, 2016

LAD #3:

Image result for declaration of independence
Photo #1: signing of the declaration of independence

  1. Democratic principles:
    • All men are created equal
    • People have certain rights which cannot be taken away
    • The purpose of government is to make sure that the people's rights are being protected
    • Governments power comes from the people
    • If a government is abusing the rights of the people, they have the right to overthrow it
  2. Grievances:
    • He refused to pass laws that would have benefitted the public
    • Governors could not pass any laws without his direct consent
    • He dissolved parliament multiple times when they tried to stop him invading the people's rights
    • Kept standing armies in the colonies during times of peace without local consent
    • Cut off trade between the colonies and the rest of the world
    • Imposed taxes without local consent
    • Removing charters, and changing laws and government in the colonies
    • Destroying costal towns and cities
  3. Conclusion:
    • The colonies are now free and independent states
    • Absolved from any allegiance to the British crown
    • Have all the rights as any other independent states such as power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce etc.

   Image result for mexican independence day
Photo #2: Mexico gained it's independence from Spain in 1821, like how the Unite States gained independence from Britain in 1776.

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