Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Image result for george washington farewell address
Photo#1: Portrait of Washington by Gilbert Stuart
Friends and Citizens...I will not run for re-election. I have been called to duty twice, and now I really want to retire. I have fulfilled my duty and my service is no longer required by the country. Thank you for the many honors you have given me.
I ought to stop here but I need to give you some parting advice:
  1. A unified country is your source of strength. Keep the country unified. You all have much in common with each other.
  2. Working together the North, South, East, and West will all prosper and grow, and strengthen the country as a whole.
  3. We will determine by experiment if one government can manage so large a country.
  4. Resist the temptation to think that there are various geographies of our country, in union you will remain strongest.
  5. Obeying the government and our Constitution is fundamental to the continuing existence of our country.
  6.  Change the Constitution only with great, great care.
  7. Beware of forming political parties, they can undermine the government and destroy the country.
  8. Retain the separation of the government: Judicial, Legislative, and Executive.
  9. Religion is required for the morality of the nation.
  10. Promote education.
  11. Taxes are required, try not to incur debt.
  12. Work for peace and harmony, this is the right thing to do. Treat all nations fairly and do not favor any one nation, and do not hold grudges.
  13. Guard against foreign influence.
  14. My proclamation about the war in Europe is consistent with my plan for neutrality.
  15. I hope my errors and faults are corrected and forgotten, and I look forward to retiring.
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Photo#2: Clinton v. Trump(two Washington warned against)


Image result for proclamation of neutrality 1793
Photo#1: proclamation

It seems that there is a war going on between France and Austria/Prussia/Sardinia/Great Britain/United Netherlands. The United States will remain neutral. The United States will not protect any U.S. citizens who, on their own, choose to perform actions that help either side. 

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Photo#2: Woodrow Wilson's quote on U.S. neutrality in WW1

Monday, September 26, 2016


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Photo#1: Threat caused by factions to the new nation. If Republicanism would be adopted, the problem would be controlled. 
  1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
Answer: Factions are so difficult to eliminate because people in a democracy or republic have liberty, so can and will form differences of opinion for any number of reasons (different backgrounds and education, different experiences, different financial situations, different jobs, different lifestyles etc).  People with similar opinions will find each other and form factions.

2.  If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?

Answer: The harm caused by destroying liberty is worse than the harm caused by factions.  A pure democracy (a society consisting of a small number of people who administer the government via the assembly of all people) cannot control the harm caused by factions.  A republic (a government where a small number of people are elected to represent the rest and to work for the good of the whole) can control the harm caused by factions.  A group of representatives chosen for their wisdom and love of justice and their country, will be least likely to to swayed by temporary issues or ‘fads’, or partial truths.
Image result for american factions of government
Photo#2: American political factions

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Republican Motherhood Blog

Image result for colonial family life
Photo#1: Colonial household

1.  What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?
Answer: The Revolutionary War transformed women's role from being only domestic, to being of great importance to the wellbeing of the state. Now that the colonies were the United States, the women were charged with teaching their sons republican ideals, and encouraging them to be interested in matters of state. As written in "From Women in America: Being an Examination into the Moral and Intellectual Condition of American Female Society": "she can operate far ore efficiently in promoting the great interest of humanity by supervising her own household than in any other way."

2. What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
Answer: Women had a greater role in society. They also had more power than before, and a greater say in what happened. They were encouraged to be educated in the English language, penmanship, bookkeeping, and other areas as describe by "Thoughts Upon Female Education." This education and increased role probably paved the foundation for the women's rights movement and ultimately led to women's right to vote.

3. What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?
Answer: Its significance is that it's a step towards women's equality. Since women were seen now as having an important role in society they had more power. With the additional power and education led to more activities outside the home which in turn probably led to desire for more power and more of a role in society. 
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Photo#2: Portrait of Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons by Charles Willson Peale

1.  Describe the setting.
Answer: The setting is a woman siting on a sofa, her children on her lap looking directly at the viewer.

2. Who serves at the center of the portrait and why?  How does the woman look?  How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?
Answer: The center of the portrait is Mary Gibson Tilghman. She is the focal point of the picture and is staring directly at the viewer with what looks like a slight, authoritative, proud smile. She is sitting with good posture dressed in plain clothes (an aristocrat would have been wearing a much more colorful and decorated outfit). It is the way she dresses and her facial expression that suggest she is a republican rather than aristocracy.

3. What values do her sons exhibit?
Answer: Her sons show the same refined calm as their mother. Also they display a curiosity for the world that will be of great benefit to them in society. They have happy expressions on their faces, and are clean and well dressed, suggesting that they have been taught proper behavior and manners by their mother.

4. Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm?
Answer: Yes, she is holding one of the boys back from touching the other. In doing this she is guiding him in being civil and responsible, all things that a republican mother of the new country should do. The placement of her arm shows that she has control over her boys, and everything that happens in her household.
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Photo#3: Susan B. Anthony

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Blog #4-revolution article

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Photo#1: American Revolution                               Photo#2: Civil War

  1. People's opinions and memories of the past are shaped by many factors (such as speeches, monuments, written descriptions etc) which do not always equate with the actual events, or may not give all of the events equal importance.
  2. Paintings from the revolutionary war never show any battles, they "sanitized" the war, whereas pictures from the civil war show bodies strewn everywhere.
  3. Most if not all speeches, and paintings about the civil war are centered around how horrific the battles were. Whereas those about the revolutionary war focus on the spirit and courage of the revolutionaries, not the casualties and violence. 
  4. "Some 10 million people in the generation of 1914 died in what they fittingly called the Great War. But when 60 million died in the next war a generation later, the Great War not only was eclipsed by a greater war, but many forgot how terrible World War I, as it thereafter came to be known, had truly been. Something like that happened to the Revolutionary War. Six times as many perished in the Civil War as in the War of Independence-just as sixfold more died in World War II than in its predecessor-causing many, perhaps unconsciously, to downplay the magnitude of suffering in the revolutionary War." Since a war closely following it had greater casualties, people's memory assumed that the revolutionary war wasn't as bad as it seemed.
  5. Suffering during the American revolutionary war was over-the-top appalling (starvation, no clothes during freezing winters, wounded and left to die on the battlefield, murdered after surrender by the enemy etc).
Image result for three mile island
Photo#3: Three Mile island was a partial nuclear meltdown in the United States on March 28,1979 

LAD #3:

Image result for declaration of independence
Photo #1: signing of the declaration of independence

  1. Democratic principles:
    • All men are created equal
    • People have certain rights which cannot be taken away
    • The purpose of government is to make sure that the people's rights are being protected
    • Governments power comes from the people
    • If a government is abusing the rights of the people, they have the right to overthrow it
  2. Grievances:
    • He refused to pass laws that would have benefitted the public
    • Governors could not pass any laws without his direct consent
    • He dissolved parliament multiple times when they tried to stop him invading the people's rights
    • Kept standing armies in the colonies during times of peace without local consent
    • Cut off trade between the colonies and the rest of the world
    • Imposed taxes without local consent
    • Removing charters, and changing laws and government in the colonies
    • Destroying costal towns and cities
  3. Conclusion:
    • The colonies are now free and independent states
    • Absolved from any allegiance to the British crown
    • Have all the rights as any other independent states such as power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce etc.

   Image result for mexican independence day
Photo #2: Mexico gained it's independence from Spain in 1821, like how the Unite States gained independence from Britain in 1776.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

LAD #2

Photo #1: Zenger trial

1. Who was John Peter Zenger?

Answer: He was a printer in New York.

2. What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense.

Answer: The controversy was that the charges stated that the newspaper was scandalous and seditious. Hamilton's defense set the precedent of freedom of the press in America.

3. What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?

Answer: It showed the colonists the power of the press to limit government. This in turn made it possible in the future for the colonists to curb unfair taxes.

4. What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.

Answer: It was the start of free press, also it showed America's rebellious spirit towards authority. The jurors were instructed to convict Zenger, however thanks to Andrew Hamilton's persuasion they decided on not guilty.

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Photo #2: Zenger's trial was first in establishing freedom of the press.

LAD #1

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Photo #1: Signing of the Mayflower Compact
Image result for fundamental orders of connecticut
Photo #2: Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

1) What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?
Answer: One concept is loyalty to their king, another is that their purpose for colonizing is too further Christianity. Another idea is that the colonists create a government to help them organize themselves and to create just laws.

2) How does the Mayflower Compact reflect and attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?

Answer: The Mayflower Compact reflects both Old and New worlds. It does this by stating loyalty to the king(Old World),  while also stating the desire for the colonists to have self rule(New World).

3) How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?

Answer: The Fundamental Orders call for the election of a law making body, where the Mayflower Compact calls for a general assembly of the townspeople.

4) What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written Constitution?

Answer: They were unsatisfied with the current one, so they wrote down a constitution in order to make sure that the government was doing what needed to be done.

5) In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen few?

Answer: Firstly it limits the time a governor can serve for. Secondly it states that a person who is currently in government cannot recommend anyone for a position in government. The Fundamental Orders reflect the fear by putting clear limitation so that no one person can steal all the power and become a dictator.

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Photo #3: The 22nd amendment to the constitution limits the president to a maximum of 2 terms, like how the Fundamental Orders limited the governors term to 1 yrs.

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