Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Image result for 1900s child labor
Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916:
It is illegal to ship or deliver for shipment in interstate or foreign commerce any product of any mine or quarry that in the last month employed children under the age of 16, or any product of any mill, cannery, workshop, factory or manufacturing establishment that in the last month employed children under the age of 14, or employed children between the ages of 14-16 for more than eight hours per day or more than six days per week, or at night.

To enforce this act, the Secretary of Labor or anyone authorized by him is authorized to enter and inspect worksites.

It is the duty of each District Attorney to prosecute cases brought to them.  Boys and girls canning clubs are exempt. 

Violations are subject to fines and imprisonment. 

No dealer will be prosecuted if they have a guarantee from the person who shipped or delivered the goods stating that child labor was not used.

Image result for modern child labor

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