1. What did the issuing of the Monroe Doctrine express from an American perspective post War of 1812?
Answer: Post war of 1812 the United States wanted to be left out of European conflict. The one caveat being that if the freedom or liberty of the United States was threatened it would fight for those rights. The government of the United States had misgivings about the wisdom of getting involved in European affairs, believing that isolationism was the best policy for America.
2. What was Secretary of State Adams' hope when he wrote the Monroe Doctrine?
Answer: First, to keep the United States from becoming entangled in further European wars. Second, to be sure that friendly foreign relations were continued despite the lack of participation in Europe by the United States.
3. What is the key phrase in the entire document that you need to remember as the cornerstone or American Foreign Policy?
Answer: " Our policy in regard to Europe...is not to interfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers". This in short means that the United States will remain neutral in all European affairs.