Tuesday, December 20, 2016

LAD #25

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LAD #25: Dawes Severalty Act

The President of the United States is authorized to have Indian reservation land to be surveyed and allocated to individual Indians in sections.  Upon approval of the allotments the United States will hold the land for 25 years in trust for the Indian to whom it had been allotted to.  After 25 years the land will be transferred to the Indian. 

The Indians who receive such allotments will be citizens of the United States and will have the benefit of and subject to the laws of the State or Territory in which they reside
Image result for bikini atoll
Photo#2: Bikini Island Atoll residents being relocated by the United States because of thermonuclear testing.

LAD #24

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William Jennings Bryan’s Cross of Gold speech; July 9, 1896
We have a huge issue being fought out with the voters.  The money issue is paramount.  Believers in free coinage of silver have organized, and went forth from victory to victory.  Country workers are just as important as city bankers and businessmen.  The great cities rest upon the productivity of the farms.  Destroy the farms and the cities will also perish.  Not visa - versa !  Democrats do not believe in trickle down economics.  When the masses are prosperous, the prosperity will find it’s way up.

We will support bimetallism.

You will not crucify mankind on a cross of gold.
Image result for amount of gold/silver in the treasury percentages

LAD #23

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Populist Party Platform; July 4, 1892

The nation is on the verge of collapse.  Elections are corrupt, workers cannot organize, immigrants drive down wages, and a few capitalists are stealing the money earned by the masses.

We seek to restore the government to the hands of the “plain people”.  We declare that labor forces can unionize, and wealth belongs to those that create it.  We demand a national currency, more currency to be circulated, and a graduated income tax.

Transportation and communication should be owned by the people.  Land should be held for settlers, not railroads, other corporations, and aliens.  We demand further restriction of undesirable immigration. 

The President and Vice-President should be limited to one term, and Senators should be elected by popular vote.

We oppose any subsidy to any private company.
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Photo#2: Reagan was also in favor of the privatization of industry in the United States. 

LAD #22

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LAD #22: McKinley's War Message

I as President am bound to give you my opinion on what ought to be done about what happens in the world. The current revolts in Cuba are but a recurrence of what has been going on for years now. These revolts however have effected the United States, being so close to our country. The American people have wanted to join in on the war, and it has been a difficult task enforcing our neutrality. The fight in Cuba will not be settled short of a complete victory of one over the other. The recognition of an independent Cuba is the only answer. I do not see any problems in recognizing Cuba as independent because any other actions by the United States would only lead to more problems. However the forcible end of the conflict by the United States would not be without precedent.
First: We should help stop the fighting to end the starvation and misery of the people there.
Second: There are Americans in Cuba who need our protection.
Third: The war is hurting our economy.
Fourth: Most importantly the war is very close to us, and the property of our government and citizens is being seized at will.
Also the destruction of the Maine, and the death of all those sailors mustn't be forgotten. The failure of the Spanish government to provide protection for the American vessel in Cuba on a peaceful mission shows that the rebellion will not be able to be put down. In light of this we must do everything we can to ensure the aid of the United States to the Cuban people.

I ask the congress to authorize and empower me to take measures to secure a full and final termination of hostilities between Spain and Cuba, and to use the military and naval forces of the United States as may be necessary.

I also recommend the distribution of food and supplies to be continued and an appropriation from the public treasury to supplement the charity of our citizens. 
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Photo#2: the Vietnam war was a failure by the United states, and a great opposition at home was generated by this conflict. Just like how the Cuban rebellion was unstoppable, so was the spread of Communism to Vietnam resulting from the United State's failure

Thursday, December 8, 2016

LAD #21

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LAD#21 Andrew Carnegie 

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) was a massively successful business man who gave away his fortune to socially beneficial projects, most famously by funding libraries.

The problem of our age is the administration of wealth.  Our conditions inevitably gives wealth to the few.  Once in the hands of the few, it can be administered in one of three ways: It can be left to the families, it can be bequeathed for public purposes, or it can be administered during their lives by its possessors.

The third way is the true antidote for the temporary unequal distribution of wealth.

This, then, is the duty of the man of Wealth: First, to set an example of modest living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon him; and after doing so to give away the rest to produce the most beneficial result for the community (the rich should use their wealth to help enrich society as a whole). 
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Photo#2: The Golisano Family like Carnegie decided to donate their money to be used to help the community.